Confident Care for Kids • Campaign Brand Design
Looking forward to the government approving a vaccine for children under 12 in fall 2021, a group or disability advocates set out to launch an initiative to increase sensory supports for children with disabilities and special health needs. The initiative’s goal is to increase the likelihood of vaccination by easing children’s anxiety when they are getting their COVID-19 vaccine at pediatric or family care practices. I designed the brand mark as the initial piece guiding the visual voice for Confident Care for Kids. In the mark I’ve expressed the bravery and strength of all involved: children with disabilities, their caretakers, and their doctors. The brand mark has multiple variations to account for differing disabilities: those who are neuro-divergent find low contrast designs accessible, while folks with low vision need high contrast designs to decipher. I took into consideration the diverse disabilities while creating a flexible visual voice for the program’s communications team to apply to various materials, from toy boxes for doctors offices to explainer social story posters for families. The project includes guidance on typography and color that will appeal to and be accessible by the different audiences, from children to doctors.